Event Details

With the Indian governments ruling of mandatory tagging of medical devices with a Unique Device Identifier (UDI) effective 2022, device manufacturers and importers are rushing to comply with the ruling. Even though this is a huge step towards increasing patient safety, supply chain efficiency, and provide a standard platform for device traceability and identification, however there is still a long way to go from an industry's adoption and implementation standpoint, as there are several fundamental questions that needs clarification being a pilot initiative. The APACMed Webinar Series on Unique Device Identifier (UDI) Program for MedTech Industry' would aim to sensitize and create awareness for the industry through global experts from markets that have adopted UDI to share their experiences and best practices in UDI.


Module 2

14 October (Wednesday), 1630 โ€“ 1830 (IST)

Facilitator: Dennis Black, BECTON DICKINSON


  1. Overview of available implementation options.
  2. IMDRF Guidelines on UDI
  3. Difference between US & EU UDI
  4. Adoption of UDI (US/EU/IMDRF version)
  5. Sharing Best Practices from International & Regional Markets


Oct 14, 2020

16:30 - 18:30 GMT +05:30


  • Dennis Black (UDI Program DirectorGlobal Regulatory Operations of Becton Dickinson (USA))

    Dennis Black

    UDI Program Director Global Regulatory Operations of Becton Dickinson (USA)
